Author’s Notes: Hi friends and fiends!! Carly let me (Aaron) open up the MST, so all I have to say is….
SCREW YOU!!! Buwhahahaahahaahaahaha *gun is pointed at his head and cue cards shoved in his hand*
Errr…. (._.);;;;;;
*begins to read off cue cards* We… had… a… lot… of … fun *gun is fired in the air*
*raspy voice says, ‘One more card’* Ok! Ok! *reads* Yoai is cool and is… YOU SUCK JAKE!!!!!
I’LL KILL HIM!!!!!!!!!! *runs off*

Carly: This has some graphic content… well duh it’s a lemon MST… oh forget disclaimers, just enjoy!
^_^;;; (I thought Aaron was supposed to open the fic, where'd he go???)

[The doors]
1-Iris (think Alien, James bond opening)
3-sliding bars (ala doom)
4-pouring water (turns instantly into ice)
5-sliding patio door

*All are playing Pokemon Stadium on Meg’s brand spanking new N64*

Meg: Die Jake die!!!!!!
Jake: Oh no!!!! You froze my Lickitung!!!!!
Aaron: *murmurs* Too bad so sad… why don’t you go Lickitung Richie’s
Richie: Damn it Aaron! It was just a joke for the MST k?????
Carly: *snickers* Good one Aaron!
Amanda: Uh guys… look at the screen!

*screen scrambles and a familiar face appears…*

Ash: Muwhahahahaha!!! Come Mr. Jigglypuff!!!!
Meowth: Meowth!!!
Meg: Oh no it’s you again.
Carly: Can’t you leave us alone?
Jake: Man, why don’t you fight us straightforward?
Aaron: It’s cause he has no Pokeballs!!!
All: *laugh*
Ash: *ten or twenty sweatbeads appear on the back of his head* But I do… I even got the GS ball….
All: *blink and then burst into laughter again*
Ash: Whatever!!!! You have another fic to MST!!!
All: *laughter is replaced by crying*
Aaron: *sobbing* No more yoai!!!! I can’t take it anymore!!! And now I’m even spelling it right!!!!!
Ash: Don’t worry Aaron…. it’s not yoai…
Aaron: Oh thank God!!!!
Ash: It’s yuri.
Girls: Yuuuuuck!!!!!!
Aaron: Oh yeah! I think I can deal with Mimi and Sora getting it on!
Ash: Let me explain further… it’s a Digimon/human yuri relationship.
Aaron: NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ash: It’s called Mesmermon's Castle By Archangel Bloodraven, ta ta!

*screen blanks out*

Richie: You think we’re ready to deal with Digimon and human relations???
Amanda: Especially that of the yuri kind???
Aaron: *sobs* Why do you guys drag me through this???
Meg: It’s cause you’re funny,
Carly: cute,
Jake: and totally insensitive.
Aaron: Hey! Thanks for reminding me!
Meg: We’re going in…
All (‘cept Meg): *stares*
Meg: Not that way ettchis!!!!
All: Oh… sorry…

*Alarm goes off*

All: WE HAVE FANFIC SIGN!!!!!!!!!!

[The doors]

3-sliding bars----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4-pouring water (turns to ice)------------------------------------------------------------------
5-sliding patio door-----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Okay is this thing on? Okay this is my first lemon, so don't laugh me off the stage.

Aaron: Maybe if we laugh at it, it’ll go away!
All: *laugh*

If you like it I hope to expand it into a series

All: *sob*

and if you don't I'll just slit my wrists.

All: Ouch!

And of course I don't own any of the characters.

All: Duh.

TK & Kari-11

Jake: Hey Aaron! Kari’s old enough for you to get with her!
Aaron: Die T.K.! Die!

Tai, Sora, & Matt - 16

Meg: WYAH!!!!
Carly: What now???
Meg: Now he’s too old for me!!!
Carly: And you care???
Meg: *pauses* Nope not at all.
Carly: ~_~


Carly: Now Izzy’s the perfect age for me! I always like older men.


Mesmermon's Castle

Amanda: Y’know, you could have had a kick ass alliteration there…. like,
‘Mesmermon’s Mansion’ or something.
Aaron: Y’know yuri uses youthful young ladies.
All: *applaud*
Aaron: And damn isn’t Digimon dames dating dames disgusting!
Richie: Ookay, you can stop now Aaron.
Aaron: Alliterations are amazingly annoying. *grins*

By Archangel Bloodraven

"We're getting soaked out here!" Tai yelled.

"I take it you never thought to tell us about monsoon season in Digiworld?" Izzy yelled at Tentomon.

Jake: *young fisherman* Watch out, it’s a monsoon!
Richie: *old fisherman* You keep pouring the chum, and keep an eye out for the Great White.

"You never asked!"

Amanda: Sounds like a comeback formed by someone we all know and love…
Aaron: Really? Who?
All: *stare*
Aaron: Stop staring stupid smart @$$es.

"I can't ask if I don't know it's a problem!"

"Cool it you two." Sora said. "Here comes Biyomon."

Jake: Eww… they’re not going to do a Biyomon and Sora one are they???
Richie: How COULD they?
Jake: Whadda ya mean?
Richie: Seems physically impossible to me.
Meg: *darkly* Anything’s possible in fanfic.
Jake/Richie: *screams*

"Good news! I found an abandoned castle that's still in great condition."

Aaron: Don’t beat around the bush. It’s an abandoned love motel for Digimon.

"How far?" Kari asked holding a very unhappy Gatomon.

Amanda: (Gatomon) I hate the rain. *swipes at it* Lightning Claw!!!!
Meg: So all the Digimon and Digidestined die (with the exception of Matt, Izzy, Gabumon and Tentomon)
from the electric charge.
Carly: The end.
Jake: And all the MSTers lived happily ever after.
Aaron: Sorry, Jake. It ain’t gonna happen.

"About a half hour walk."

"I say we go for it." Palmon said. "I'm up for a good drink as much as
anyone but this is ridiculous"

Aaron: Aha! Palmon is a drunk!
All: *singsongs* Digimon, Digital A. A. meetings, Digimon are the drunkards!
Carly: Alright that does it! SIDE-STORY!!!!

"Lead the way, Biyomon." Tai said.

Forty five minutes later the weary water logged travelers entered the empty castle. Little did they know they
were being observed.

Jake: Who saw this one coming???
All: *raises hands*

"Oh joy they're here!" A young woman squealed. "Mesmermon, this will be so much fun!"

Carly: Ahh! It’s the evil guy and his whore.

"You know we can't keep them, Nymphomon." He responded. "We're just going to detain them for a little

Richie: *writes down on his notepad* Lacking quotation marks around

"I know, but the thought of letting them go makes me so depressed." She
poked a finger in the basin causing the image to ripple and fade.

Meg: Ahh!!! It’s Nymphomaniacmon!!!
All: *screams*

"And I know just the thing to get you out of your funk." Mesmermon said.

Aaron: (Mesmermon/Austin Powers) Let’s hop on the good foot and do the bad thing baby!
Amanda: (Nymphomon) I thought we were supposed to make them, ah what the heck!!!

"You can pick one digidestined and their digimon to play with now."

Richie: *scribbles furiously* Lacking quotation marks around “play”.

"Oh, Mes! You're the greatest. But which one?" She asked. "Show me a crest."

Meg: *crossing fingers* Not the crest of Action, not the crest of Action…

She demanded of the basin. Obediently the water rippled to show the crest of light.

Aaron: AIEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! NOT KARI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Carly: Calm down Aaron.

"Now show me the child." The water rippled again to show Kari and
Gatomon walking down a hall. "She's precious."

Aaron: HANDS OFF!!!!!! *excessive swearing*
Jake: He’s vicious! Watch your hands there Carly!
Carly: OW! He bit me!
Meg: I got the strait jacket!
Amanda: Now!
All: *tackle Aaron*

"And perfectly corruptible. Have fun."

Aaron: GOD **** MOTHER****ING B****!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Carly: Got it!
Aaron: *muffled swearing*
Jake: Sit back and enjoy Aaron… we have Gatomon and Kari hentai.


"Isn't it awfully convenient this castle is abandoned, just when we need someplace." Gatomon said

Amanda: I’m sure the YOU needed someplace Gatomon.

Now that she had gotten the majority of the water out of her fur she was her usual pessimistically
protectively paranoid persona.

Richie: Now THAT was a good alliteration.
Aaron: *muffled* Pipe down pansy prissy pretty-boy!

"It does seem kind of odd." Kari said opening a door. "And why do they have so many closets?"

Jake: What does a blond have in common with a vacuum cleaner?
Meg: I dunno, what?
Jake: They both suck, blow, and get laid in a closet.
Carly: What the **ck does that have to do with anything.
Amanda: Don’t make us use the strait jacket on you too, Carly.
Aaron: *muffled talking*

"What is that, the 10th empty closet we've come across?"

Meg: It’s amazing how in a fanfic, checking closets takes one second, while in life it would take a couple

"12th." Kari corrected, absently opening another door. "Oh Gatomon look at this." She cried pulling a
stunning white evening dress with silver sequins out of the closet. "It looks like it's my size."

Jake: I can see it now! Digimon Titanic!
Carly: (Kari) I feel… I feel like I could fly T.K.!
Richie: (T.K.) Cool, go for it! *drops her*
Carly: (Kari) Ahhhhhhh! *splash*
Richie: (T.K.) Oops…

"Yes." Gatomon said suspiciously. *And it's the only thing in the closet. How convenient.*

"Don't you like it?"

"I'm sorry Kari. It probably would look great on you,

Aaron: *muffled* (Gatomon) Mmm… so would a dominatrix suit…
Richie: Ahh! Aaron you’re on the road to recovery!

but this seems a little too coincidental."

"Hmm. You are right." She said sneezing.

"Well convenient or not, we have to get you out of those wet clothes."

Jake: (Gatomon) And into a nice… warm… bed…

Gatomon said giving the closet a last look. "You might as well take these." She said coming out with a pair
of white sequined shoes and white stockings.

"No panties? I don't know about this Gatomon."

Meg: (Gatomon) Kari… I don’t think you’ll need panties…

"Maybe we can dry the ones your wearing on a fire or something." Gatomon said quickly opening doors. "I
think I found a bedroom, but there's no lock."

Carly: Hey Jake! You were right on about the bed thing!
Jake: *bows* Thank you, thank you.
Aaron: *muffled* Pea-brain prediction proved positively… pretty?
Amanda: You’re starting to lose your touch Aaron.
Aaron: *muffled* I don’t know about that, but I am losing the feeling in my right arm.

"I guess we can block it with a chair or something." Kari shrugged ducking inside.

Jake: Loud noises come from the room…
Richie: (T.K.) Kari, you in there?
Amanda: (Kari) No! Go awaaaaaahhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Richie: (T.K.) Okay…

Gatomon followed and helped Kari push one of the heavy high back chairs into place to block the door.
"Well at least we've got some privacy.

Carly: (Gatomon) Kari, let’s get it on…
Richie/Jake: *starts singing* Tried to hold back this feeling… for so long… and if you feel… like I feel
baby… C’mon, oh! Let’s get it on… Oh baby! Let’s get it on…

I'll leave you alone so you can get changed."

"Gatomon wait. It's so dark in here I can't really see anything. Can you guide me to a candle or something?"

Richie: *writing* Forgetting quotation marks around “guide”.

"I'm sorry Kari. Sometimes I forget my eyes are better than yours." She
apologized. "I've got your hand. We'll explore together."

Aaron: *muffled* (Richie the Dumb@$$) Forgetting quotation marks around
Richie: Don’t steal my gig!

Together the pair explored the main room which was covered with thick
tapestries and a plush carpet. A door off to the left lead to a full
bathroom with ornate silver and gold trimmed full length mirror and stained glass windows. The opposite
door lead to a bedroom with a queen sized bed with white satin sheets.

"Argh!" Kari growled in frustration. "There's still no light." She muttered as Gatomon lead the way out to the
main room.

"Wait a minute." She said staring at the fireplace. "There's a candle on the mantle of the fireplace."

"That wasn't there before." Kari said suspiciously.

"I'm starting to think we might not be alone in this castle." Gatomon said as Kari sneezed again. "Well we
can't let you stay in those wet clothes any longer." She said leaping to the mantle and lighting the candle.
"God that thing is bright."

"But it smells nice." Kari said breathing deeply. The candle had a spicy odor not unlike cinnamon.

Jake/Richie: *Jim Carey voice* Spicy!!!

"Yes, it does." Gatomon said. Suddenly she was horny as hell!

Aaron: *muffled* We bring you to our Digimon porno in progress…

"I'll uh be in the bedroom if you need me."

Meg: (Gatomon) Kari… please don’t come in there… even if you hear, um…

"Um Wait a minute Gatomon." Kari said. "I uh feel..."

Jake: Horny?
Aaron: *muffled* Hot?
Carly: Randy?
Meg: Turned on?
Richie: Or Shag-o-delic?
Amanda: *whining* I didn’t get a turn again!!
Meg: Ahh, that one never gets old!

"Don't you feel well?" She asked, concern for Kari forcing out the lust.

Meg: (Kari) Gatomon, why is your hand there???
Carly: (Gatomon) I’m uh… forcing out the lust…

Instead of replying Kari did the one thing that broke down Gatomon's

All: *bracing themselves* Here we go!!!!
Richie: Most likely, this will break us as well...

She kissed her rolling her smooth tongue around Gatomon's rough one.

All: AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Aaron: NO!!!!!!!!!!!

"I feel like that. Did you wet yourself?"

Meg: If you kissed Aaron, yeah that would be the effect.
Aaron: *muffled* Jerk…

Gatomon looked down to see a trickle running down her leg from her already soaked pussy.

Richie: (Austin Powers) I never forget a pussy……..cat…
Jake: I would like a picture to prove that Digimon have…….that…
Meg: Angewomon.
Carly: Question answered Jakie boy!
Jake: *mumbles* Still, it doesn’t prove that Gatomon has one…

"Uh well -" She stammered. "Let's get you out of those clothes."
She said trying to take the young girl's mind off the topic it was so
obviously on.

Amanda: And taking off clothes isn’t part of that topic???

"Yes let's." Kari said dropping her wet clothes in front of the fireplace. The sight of Kari spreading her legs
as she straightened out her clothes was too much for the poor digimon and she tentatively slipped a claw
into Kari's pussy.

Aaron: *mumbled excessive swearing*

"Oh! What are you doing Gatomon?"

Richie: (Gatomon) Argh, I thought Tai would’ve talked to you about this…
it’s called 69ing.
Jake: Not yet Richie, give them some time.

What am I doing? I'm her friend. She trusts me, and I'm taking advantage of her. I'm supposed to protect her not molest her!

Aaron: *mumbled* Gatomon! Trust your mind!

"Just hold still Kari." She said working the claw around eliciting a moan from the girl.

Aaron: *mumbled* Stupid horny *itch.
Carly: One more swear word and I will personally gag you with Taichi’s
Aaron: *silent scream*
Meg: You have them?
Carly: Pretty sweet bluff there huh?

"Oh God." Kari moaned.

Jake: Oh God… help us.

What is wrong with me? I shouldn't be feeling this way about Gatomon! She's my friend and a GIRL!

Richie: And a strange creature… and you don’t know where she’s been…

"Don't stop Gatomon."

Meg: Why don’t they listen to themselves.
Jake: The candle of horniness is still lit.
Meg: Jake, that sounds like some lame-o pick up line.

"If you say so." Gatomon whispered quickening her pace.

Amanda: Is this Pokemon or Digimon?
Aaron: *muffled, with tiny sobs in between* Why do you ask?
Amanda: They’re giving them commands.
Jake: (Ash) Pikachu, Orgasm now!
Richie: (Pikachu) Pika… Pika Pika… Pikaaaaaa…
Ash: I heard that!!!!!

The young girl moaned loudly as her first orgasm hit her before collapsing onto the rug.

Meg: And when Kari’s and T.K.’s children need advice on sex, she can’t give it to them.
Carly: (Older Kari) Well, my first time was a little strange…

"Gatomon that felt incredible!" She panted. "What was that?" She asked as Gatomon flopped down beside

"Kari, " Gatomon rolled over to face the little girl. "How much do you know about sex?"

Jake/Richie: Let’s talk about sex baby. Let’s talk about you and me. Let’s talk about all the good things
and the bad things that may…
Meg: Okay, enough of that.

"Not too much." Kari said absently slipping her hand between Gatomon's legs. "I hear noises coming from
Tai's tent and he and Sora come out really happy."

Amanda: (Gatomon) *worried* Uh, what kind of noises…
Carly: (Kari) Well, Sora usually says something like ‘harder Tai, oh
yes!!!!!!!! Faster, faster!!!!’. Then my brother just moans a whole lot.
Amanda: (Gatomon) *turned on even more then before* What else?
Carly: (Kari) Hmm… oh yeah! The tent shakes a whole lot, then Sora screams really loud, and it stops…
Amanda: (Gatomon) Uhh… let’s get back to what we’re doing…

Gatomon began to purr as Kari lazily rubbed her pussy. "Well what we did is umm is."

Richie: Say it! It’s 69ing isn’t it?
Jake: Dumb@$$!!!! That’s not 69ing!!!
Richie: And you would know???
Meg: *red faced* No he wouldn’t!!!!!!!!! Back to the fic!!!!!!!!

"Is what Gatomon?"

Jake/Richie: *tense up*

"Is one part of having sex." Gatomon moaned.

Jake: Told ya so.
Richie: Same diff!

"What's this?" Kari asked squeezing Gatomon's clit.

Gatomon moaned. "That's my clit Kari."

"Does that hurt? I'll stop if-"

"No! Just keep going and I'll tell you more about sex." She said fondling the human girl's breast.

Aaron: *is crying* *muffled* Why don’t I get to do that!

"Mmm." Kari moaned. Why do people have sex?"

"To make babies, but mostly because it feels good."

Jake/Richie: I feel good… nanananananana, I know that I
would…nanananananana, I feel nice… nanananananana, like sugar and spic--Meg: One more song and I
will personally beat the $hit out of both of you.
Carly: Great now we’re all swearing.

"Sure does." Kari moaned speeding up. She was about ask another question when Gatomon came. "Are
you all right."

No. She thought. I'm explaining sex to an eleven year old while she's fingering me.

Carly: (Gatomon) *moans* This kid learns quick!!!

Aloud she said. "That was my orgasm. That's what happened to
you before."

"Oh." Kari said.

"I'm going to show you one more thing then we have to go."


"I don't think the others would understand."

Jake: We don’t understand either.
Richie: We try…
Amanda: but alas…
Carly: no go.

She replied slipping her head between Kari's legs and thrusting her tongue deep into the girl's pussy.

Meg/Carly: AIE!!!!! RED RUM!!! RED RUM!!!!!
Jake/Richie: *shaking in fear*
Amanda: *screams*
Aaron: MY EYES!!!!! MY EYES!!!!!!!!

As she expected this immediately brought forth great moans of pleasure as Gatomon sucked up Kari's
sugary juices. "You taste sweet."

Carly: (Gatomon) Jeez Kari, lay off the sugar!!! It’s messing with your

Kari started to respond when a massive orgasm hit her drowning her in wave after wave of pleasure, after
which she fell asleep exhausted.

"What's wrong with me?" Gatomon asked herself absently burying a claw in her pussy. "This all started
when I lit that... stupid.... candle! That's it!"

Aaron: *muffled* No $hit Sherlock.
Jake: Let’s give a cheer for Digimon brainpower.
All: *silence*
Jake: Just what I expected.

She cried pulling the claw out her pussy with a supreme effort and leaping to the mantle and blowing out the
candle. Almost instantly the pervading lust vanished. "I ought to destroy this thing." Gatomon said raising her

Richie: *grins* Send it to us.
Meg: We’ll be more than happy to help.

"Kari? Are you in there?" T.K. called from the door.

Gatomon cursed silently and leapt down beside her. "Kari wake up."

Amanda: Now we got Gatomon swearing! Nice job everyone!

"What is it?" She asked slowly taking in the situation.

"T.K.'s at the door."

"What am I going to do? He can't see me like this!"

Carly: (Gatomon) You’re nearly passed out on the floor with your legs wide
open and no panties on. Sure you don’t want him to see you like this???
Meg: (Kari) No, bring me Aaron dammit!
Aaron: *sniff* *muffled* Thanks Meg.
Meg: No problem.
Carly: Maybe I’ll get around to writing a fic about you and Kari… SI style…

"Calm down. We tell him part of the truth. Tell him you're not dressed and to give you five minutes."

"Kari?" He called again pushing on the door.

"I'm not dressed, T.K.. Can you wait right there for five minutes?'

Jake: (T.K.) Uhh… no…

"Sure. I'll tell the other's I found you and I'll be right back."

"All right." Kari called. "It's too bad we can't start a fire."

Jake/Richie: *singing* We didn't start the fire! It was always burning since the world's been turni--
Meg: That's it! *tackles the two*

She said conversationally as she scrambled into her dress.

"Kari about what just happened..."

Jake: Ow!
Richie: ;_; Mercy!
Meg: No more oldies but goodies, riiiiiiiight???
Jake/Richie: *nod*

"Nothing happened, Gatomon. All the other's need to know is that we found an outfit and a candle both
when I needed them and that we think castle isn't all that abandoned. Thats all." she said pulling on the

Jake: *go-girl Digimon* Oh my gawwwd! Gatomon just like totally got dumped by her human lesbian
All: Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!
Carly: <Jerry Springer> When Digimon and human lesbian relationships don’t work out… today on
Springer… How do you feel Gatomon?
Amanda: <Gatomon> *on the verge of tears* I feel used Jerry… I feel used and mistreated!


Richie: (Gatomon) Please sir, I want some more…

"THAT'S ALL." Kari repeated with deadly finality as she pulled on her shoes.

"Help me move the chair." Gatomon silently helped Kari open the door to see T.K. dressed in cream
colored slacks and matching tunic.

Meg: Tunic?
Aaron: *muffled snickering*

"Wow. Kari you look great." He said.

"Thanks. It's something I found lying around."

Aaron: *muffled* (T.K.) Cool! I have one just like it!
Jake: Nice one Aaron.

She said closing the door.

"Shall we go?" To her surprise T.K. offered her his arm and escorted her down the hall with Patamon and a
thoughtful Gatomon trailing behind.


Elsewhere in the castle, Nymphomon watched the young couple with interest.

"Do you like what you see?" Mesmermon asked peering over her shoulder.

"They're mine, Mes. Whatever you have planned for the others leave them out of it. Those two are going to
get to know each other better." Nymphomon said with a grin.

"Much better."

Amanda: Uh oh! I smell sequel!


That's it. (Straps on helmet to deflect flying objects) Fire away!

All: U got it! *throws all their rotten fruit*
Aaron: *still muffled* Bring on the flamethrowers!

Archangel Bloodraven, Lord of Bloodraven Keep

* Shameless Plug*
Digimon Hentai writers!

Carly: Yes.

Have you been shunned from other lists?

Carly: *intrested* Yes…

Can't find one that caters to your unique tastes?

Carly: Nope…

Then come join my club, Digimonlemons.

Carly: Cool!!!


Jake: Good sales pitch! Carly’s convinced.
Aaron: Let’s get the **ck out of here.

[The doors]
1-Iris (think Alien, James bond opening)
3-sliding bars (ala doom)
4-pouring water(turns instantly into ice)
5-sliding patio door

*all are working on getting the strait jacket off of Aaron before Ash sees it*

Ash: So! I finally got one of you going insane huh?
Aaron: You bastard! I’ll kill him!!!!
Ash: Actually I liked that one… it gave me… umm… ideas…
All: *stare*
Ash: Uh… *sweatbeads* Come Mr. Jigglypuff… we have… business to attend to…
Meowth: Mewth?!?!
*transmission ends*
All: *stare*
Aaron: Ewwwwwwwww…


The MSTers have struck again! We would like to take this time to thank
Archangel Bloodraven, Lord of Bloodraven Keep and possibly one of the best lemon writers we know!
And I’m not a suck up…. ^_^;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

Show me the stinger!

<<<<"Kari, " Gatomon rolled over to face the little girl. "How much do you know about sex?" "Not too
much." Kari said absently slipping her hand between Gatomon's legs. "I hear noises coming from Tai's tent
and he and Sora come out really happy.">>>>

<insert Carly’s evil laugh here>
