This Changes Everything VII
By Archangel Bloodraven

"Izzy? What's he have to do with us?"

"See for yourself." Joe said angrily handing her the card.

     Roses for my sweet.
     White for purity,
     Yellow for friendship,
     Pink for my love.
     Wishing you success in all you do.

"Joe these aren't from Izzy. They're from my secret admirer. Every once in a while for the past ten years, this person sends me flowers. I never really went to the trouble of finding out who sent them."

"Mimi," Joe said visibly calming. "do you have anything with Izzy's handwriting?"

"Come to think of it, no." She frowned. "You mean..."

"Izzy's in love with you."


Six months later:

Izzy stood dutifully beside his best friend as the best man, but he couldn't help shooting glances at the bride. In moments, Mimi Takichawa would become Mimi Kido.

But Mimi Koushiro has a nice ring to it. He thought ruefully. He should know. He wrote it enough times.

Well I wrote our name a thousand times
Just to see yours sitting next to mine
Sent you flowers card unsigned...Anonymous

Thinking of flowers, he wondered if her last bouquet had arrived in time.


Mimi and the girls had been busy with the last minute preparations when a bouquet of flowers arrived for Mimi.

          I heard the good news and wanted to send you one final bouquet. Your husband is a very lucky man. Tell him about me if you like. I think he'd like me. Wishing you success in all you do,

"Mimi! A secret admirer! How scandalous!" Kari kidded.

"Yeah I guess." She muttered tossing the card on the table.

"Is something wrong?" Sora asked.

Mimi was about to answer when TK stuck his head through the the door, eyes tightly shut. "Mimi, you're on in five."

"TK why are your eyes closed?" Kari asked.

"It's bad luck to see the bride before the wedding."

"But you're not getting married." She replied.

"Yet." He said blowing her a kiss.


Can I ever be happy, Izzy wondered. knowing I love my best friends wife?

In days to come like days to past
My heart beats for you always has
Though you know me only as...Anonymous

In dreams at night I carry your books for you
And when I rise a flame for you
Always to shy to carry the whole thing through

And that was always the problem, wasn't it? He was too shy to say anything and now his chance was gone. But he'd always love her. Even if she never knew it.

Like the light from that eternal flame
Burns for one without a name
My love forever will remain...Anonymous

Oh you'll always wonder who it was
Who it was?
It was just...Anonymous

"Do you Mimi Takichawa take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

Mimi looked at Joe then at Izzy who gave her the slightest of nods before saying, "I do."

"Then by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride."


"Izzy! I believe you know my cousin, Miyako." Mimi said. "I think you two would get along great together."

Great. Now she's trying to set me up. Izzy  thought. I wonder if she knows... "Nice to meet you Miyako." He said stiffly.

"The feelings mutual." She said shaking his hand. As she did so a small hardbound book fell out of her purse. They knelt to retrieve it, but Izzy got to it first. "'A comprehensive study of electromagnetic emissions of black holes' Absolutely fascinating." He said handing it back to her.

"You really think so?"

"Sure." He said before launching into a short speech about quasars. Mimi just shrugged as she could only understand about one word in fifty. Miyako, however not only understood his techno-babble, but replied fluently. Soon the pair decided to go to Izzy's apartment and discuss matters over coffee and dinner, but before they left Miyako mouthed three words to her cousin.

You owe me.


Izzy and Miyako were chatting on about some topic or another when the doorbell rang. Izzy opened it to find a delivery girl from the florist. "Koushiro Izumi?"


"These are for you." She said handing him the flowers. He tipped her and looked at the card.

        A girl never forgets her first love, her first kiss, or her first bouquet. I hope you didn't forget mine. Wishing you luck and happiness in all you do.

Izzy took a closer look at the bouquet and realized that it was an exact replica of the first bouquet he had sent as Anonymous.

"Who's it from?" Miyako asked.

"Anonymous." Izzy said with a smile.


Is this the end? What of Tai, Sora, and Matt? Find out in the conclusion. "Anonymous" is from Garth Brooks' album In Pieces.